Staying Ahead

As a Child Care provider you know that it is difficult to eliminate all the risks associated with caring for children. But you can manage these risks so that you can operate your business and reduce the risk of being wiped out financially in the event of a violation action. Too, by being knowledgeable of the laws and regulations that apply to your industry and ensuring compliance you can further minimize the risks.

Keeping children safe is one of the primary legal duties of your organization. Failure to fulfill this duty can result in the loss of your center’s license, and worse, jail time for you and your staff. Key areas of concern include but are not limited to:

  • Rules that limit the number of children a staff person can care for,
  • Staff training requirements in areas such as first aid, CPR and child abuse,
  • Failure to implement and enforce policies related behavior guidance,
  • Policies around managing emergencies, and caring for sick and injured children,
  • Failure to adhere to policies related to physical space requirements, water, hazards, locks, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and so forth,
  • Improper security planning,
  • Proper procedures to prevent the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS),
  • Inadequate management of transportation activities - including but not limited to lack of child safety restraints, and parent permission, and
  • Not meeting sanitation and health standards such as pest control, hand washing, food safety, and proper handling of diapers.

If your Child Care is out of compliance with licensing rules, you face the threat of a violation, a lawsuit or a complete shutdown of your business. Because we understand the law and remain up to date, we can help you stay ahead and manage the risks.